ConclusionIt goes without saying that an education can make or break a child’s life. The human race has made significant progress in the past 7 million years. We have come a long way. Education is the process of continuous learning which can be acquired anywhere at any time and any age. It is the fundamental right of every citizen as it’s promotes empowerment and ensures development benefits. St. Agnes School endeavours to develop and chisel a Holistic personality integrated with ethical values to make the students confident to face the challenges of the globalization. This school believes in the SMSKAS that is training students with Spiritual, Moral and Social Values along with Knowledge, Attitude and Skills and nurture students beyond global boundaries. The school also encourages Environmental awareness, Personality development and Educational Exchange programmes both for staff and students to discover more about life, nature, the educational system and cultural milieu of India and the other countries. Techniques of Modern method of teaching are followed and Remedial teaching is done for those who are educationally backward. However effective educational work implies tight cooperation between parents and teachers/tutors. Both home and school exert educational influence on the student. Hence It’s very essential to develop a model of cooperation which will bring the best results. Therefore Parent’s whole-hearted co-operation is imperative to achieve this objective. In this regard both teacher’s and parents’ need to implement the following objectives -
Assumption: We are working for the good of the same child. Let’s unite forces and unify requirements and educational methods to achieve a better result. A good relationship requires: good will, openness, respect and sympathy, honesty and discretion. |
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