Sports and Games

The school has well equipped play areas for Basket Ball, Throw Ball, Volley ball, Kho-Kho, Shuttle Badminton, and Athletics as well as for indoor games like Chess, Table Tennis etc. Students are encouraged to participate in sports. The coaches give proper attention to the players. The School Basket Ball, Throw Ball, Volley Ball, Table Tennis teams and Athletics have brought laurels at the AICS meet and in the open tournaments organized by the various Associations.


Projects and Assignments

Projects and Assignments are given to students not just as part of academics but even as part of activities to improve their understanding abilities and innovative skills. For eg: Projects on “ Save Environment Save Wild Life” “International year of Indigenous Languages- 2019” “Global Warming” “Climate Change” “Beat Plastic Pollution” “International year of Plant Health- 2020”.


SUPW and Work Experience

Work experience and SUPW aims at imparting skills through participation and performance in drawing, painting, craft, needle work, Best out of waste, walls hanging etc. Besides this the cultivation of essential soft skills is equally emphasized in our school curriculum.


Bulbuls and Guides

Bulbuls and Guides activities help to foster in our students important values like honesty, friendship, discipline, kindness etc. Regular classes for Bulbuls (Grade III and IV) and Guides (Grade V to X) are held every week on Saturdays. The basics of guides and Bulbuls are imparted to students from time to time. The Guides are also trained for the “Rajyapuraskar Award”.

A Brief History of Scouts & Guides

The Scout and Guides Movement is a non-political, non-sectarian, uniformed and secular movement. The purpose of the movement is to devote its volunteers to character building of Youth in India and promoting in them the feeling of selfless service to their country and humanity. It was founded by Lord Baden Powell in England in 1907 and started in India in 1909.

There are 4 sections of members:
Bunny - 3-5 years.
Cub/Bulbul - 6-10 years
Scout/Guides - 11-17 years
Rover/Rangers - 18-25 years
Once a Scout or Guides is always a Scout or Guides. The mission of this movement to fire up the youth of India with the spirit of Guides and get them involved in activities that will build physical strength, mature their personalities and turn them into responsible adults.

Awards and shields
Recognition for meritorious service and acquisition of skills is given through Advancement Badges and Rajya Puraskar Awards to the members of the movement.

Bulbul Promises
I promise to do my best. To do my duty to God and my country. To keep the Bulbul law and to do a good turn everyday.

Bulbul Promises
1. On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty
2. To God and my country
3. To help other people and
4. To obey the Guide law.

Bulbul Law
1. A Bulbul gives into the elders.
2 A Bulbul is clean and courteous

Guides Law
1. A Guide is trust worthy
2. A Guide is loyal.
3. A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Scout/Guide
4. A Guide is courteous
5. A Guide is friend to animals and loves nature 6. A Guide is disciplined and
helps, protects public property
7. A Guide is courageous
8. A Guide is thrifty
9. A Guide is pure in thought, word and deed

1. Do Your Best - Bulbul
2. Be Prepared - Guides

Left Handshake
The left handshake is a secret sign used throughout the scout brotherhood. It was originated by the founder who was offered the left hand after a battle by Zulu chief as a symbol of free man and sign of the world-wide brotherhood of Scouts

Bharat Scouts & Guides in St Agnes CBSE School
The Bulbuls and Guides of our school affiliated to Bharat Scouts and Guides programme We are having 120 seats and it is associated with D.K.Bharat Scout and Guides.

Activities and Camp

Members of the movement are involved in Community Development activities such as Ambulance Badges, Book Binder, Community Singing, Health, Laundries, Debate, Child Nurse, Games Leader, Pioneering, Ecologist, Cook, Nutrition Educator, etc. they can badges for leaning skills. And also they have Basic Training Camp, Prathamsopan, Dwithiyasopan, Thritiyasopana and Rajya Puraskar Award with activities such as cooking, first-aid, map reading, hiking and signal, group formation, campfire and cultural activities.

Field Trips
The school organizes field trips to re-inforce experiential and contextual learning outside the classroom and also to enhance their bonding with other fellow students and teachers.

Outreach Programs
Our school gives support to the students to initiate social service by visiting Old age homes, Orphanages, Children’s homes, Special Schools, Schools for blind children/people etc. Here the students learn the importance of developing the spirit of reaching out to the less privileged and the marginalized.


Field Trips

The school organizes field trips to re-inforce experiential and contextual learning outside the classroom and also to enhance their bonding with other fellow students and teachers.


Outreach Programs

Our school gives support to the students to initiate social service by visiting Old age homes, Orphanages, Children’s homes, Special Schools, Schools for blind children/people etc. Here the students learn the importance of developing the spirit of reaching out to the less privileged and the marginalized.



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