Important Rules & Regulations:
- Students should reach the school at least 10 minutes before the bell rings. Late comers will be marked PL (Present but Late).
- On teacher’s arrival in the class-room the pupils must rise and remain standing till they have prayed, greeted the teacher and then take their seats.
- No pupil should absent herself/himself from answering the class tests/examinations except for gave reasons approved by the Principal.
- No pupil or staff will be called to the phone during school hours. However in case of emergency message received on the phone will be conveyed to them.
- The primary civic duty is to guard public property. School property is public property and care should be taken to protect it. Any damage done to school property shall be made good by the parent or guardian of the child.
- It is mandatory to wear the prescribed school uniform with ID cards every day by the students. Any additional like the scarf, burqa, shawl and other objectionable gear are not permitted to be worn with the uniform in the school campus.
- Involvement in any sort of malpractice during tests and examinations will be dealt with seriously.
- Students are forbidden from entering the laboratories except with the permission of the teacher in charge. All equipment and materials given to students for practical work should be handled with care. Each student with practical work should maintain an observation record book, which should be regularly submitted. Students who are irregular in practical work are not eligible for promotion to next class.
- Smoking and consumption of alcohol/use of drugs is a punishable offence. Expulsion may be the consequence of such action.
- Library, Computer lab and laboratories are significant and integral assets of the school. Huge amount is invested into them. Students are expected to use them with great care. Any loss or damage will have to be replaced or made good by student concerned.
- Progress report will be issued after the term examinations on the “Open House Day” which must be returned to the class teacher duly signed by the parent/guardian. The “Open House Day” gives an opportunity for a meaningful exchange of views between parents and teachers to bring about a better understanding of individual problems.
- Late comers Record/Cleanliness Record/Homework not done/ Misbehaviour Record will be maintained in the school diary/Anecdotal Record and these things will be communicated to the parents through SMS.
- Students are not permitted either individually or in group to hold activities or worship other than those organised by the school authority within the campus.
- On Birthdays the students will come in their regular school uniform and not in coloured dress. It’s strictly forbidden for students to cut the cake in the class room or distribute cake, ice cream or costly chocolates to fellow students. Ordinary chocolates can be distributed but not a must.