The Crest / Emblem has three parts:
The CROWN on top symbolizes the golden age of India’s material wealth and cultural splendor.
The SHIELD in the center has three units.
- In the First unit is depicted a CROSS, a MOUNTAIN with THREE STARS on three sides. Mountain is a symbol of prayer and Contemplation .The Cross is a symbol of Christianity. The THREE STARS signify the Historical Carmelite Heritage of the Apostolic Carmelite Congregation.
- In the Second unit is engraved a COCONUT PALM on the shoreline that stands for the foundation of Apostolic Carmel along the Western Coast of South India in 1870.
- In the Third unit the LAMB with the victory PALM together represent our patroness St. Agnes and her spiritual victory.
The school upholds the School Motto “DEUS FORTITUDE MEA” which means “GOD IS MY STRENGTH”.”
For God is all our strength
In Him we do and dare
The hard right against the wrong
We cherish and revere
Then firmly let us stand
United heart and hand
And pray that God may bless and keep St. Agnes School.
A happy band from far and near
We meet to learn the right to dare
Beloved school St. Agnes hail
Our love for thee shall never fail
We gather here where all may sing
Glad sings of praise, to trust and love
Our youthful hearts here find the way
That leads to life and endless day.