Instrumental Music

Playing a musical instrument is a lifelong skill that we yearn to inculcate in our students. The students of our school learn Guitar and Key Board along with their regular curriculum including the composition of music with increased coordination that enables them to strengthen their memory through weekly practices. The skill of memorization can serve students well in education and beyond. The students have umpteen opportunities to perform not only during school and class programs but also showcase their talents through various inter school competitions.


Art, Craft and Painting

Playing with colors and drawing interesting pictures has always been the favorite activity among children. We help our students give meaning to their hidden artistic talent through art classes in painting, mixed media craft and stitching. Our students learn how to tackle challenges while creating art and devise strategies to bring out beautiful outcomes. They also display their artwork on the school bulletin as per the occasion and organize creatively the décor and artwork for class programs.



Karate benefits kids at every aspect of their lives – physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. Through Karate students develop balance, coordination, focus, respect and discipline. Our students learn one of the best forms of self-defense through this Martial Art from experienced and master Karate teachers.


Contemporary, Classical and Folk dance

We believe that students who dance and practice a form of dance become more self-motivated and focused. They are more expressive in their communication of emotions, thoughts and feelings. Our students have an option to choose contemporary, classical dance or folk dance and exhibit their talents during school programs. Students also showcase their skills in various inter school contests for classical and folk dance competitions.



Being a member in the school band team teaches the students to perfect their musical instrument along with strong discipline while maintaining team coordination and time management. Band students have an important role to play in the opening and closing ceremonies to all major events conducted by the school for e.g. Annual Day and Sports Day. Our school band consists of a variety of instruments including Trumpets and Euphonium.



Nature is one of the biggest sources of joy for a child. Students who participate in gardening class activities gain hands-on learning opportunities while increasing environmental awareness. We would like our students to build experiences that will help them to learn to make the connection between growing food and nurturing plants. Through these classes students also develop body management skills and object control skills while they move from one place to the other carrying tools, soil and water. This class is definitely a lifelong skill.


Dramatics and Public Speaking

Public Speaking is one of the best methods to boost self-confidence and we ensure that our students become more vocal and confident in their speech. Students will be coached by highly trained teachers through enthusiastic participation in acting classes and creative activities including speech, creative movement, improvisation and public speaking. Students of this class may be selected to be the Master of Ceremonies for class programs as well as the School Annual Day including the lead roles for skits and tableaus. Public Speaking will also encourage students to participate in debate and elocution competitions.

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