- Faith in God: Without God I can do nothing. Everything is possible only with God.
- Integrity: I shall always remain simple, helpful, honest and truthful.
- Discipline: I shall be hardworking, prompt and diligent in my studies, responsibilities and in life too.
- Respect: I shall be positive in my thoughts, words and actions with all specially the parents, teachers, all elders, my fellow class/schoolmates and everyone whom I meet in life.
- Generosity: I shall be generous in using the THREE magical words – “THANK YOU” “SORRY” “PLEASE”.
- Open – mindedness: I shall be ready to listen patiently to the ideas and the opinion of others and work unitedly.
- Decision – Making: I shall always make a right choice in life and for life.
- Gratitude: I shall always remain grateful and appreciate the comforts of life received both at home and in the school.
Assumption: We are working for the good of the same child. Let’s unite forces and unify requirements and educational methods to achieve a better result.
A good relationship requires: good will, openness, respect and sympathy, honesty and discretion.
St Agnes School needs money for its development in providing a better learning ambience for the students. The fee collected is not sufficient to meet the recurring expenditure. Hence parents who can afford are encouraged to contribute to the school in any manner shall not expect any special favour.