Eco Hub

Eco Hub plays an important role in creating environmental awareness amongst the future generation.

1) To educate students about the environment.
2) To create a clean and green consciousness among students.
3) To motivate students to imbibe habits and lifestyle for minimum waste generation.



It is meant for learning by doing. It channelizes the energies of students and make use of their skills and talents and helps in their overall personality development.

To foster the development of skills such as experimentation, critical thinking and problem solving.
To inculcate scientific attitude.
To create interest in latest inventions and discoveries of science in various fields.


Maths Hub

It helps students develop their level of Math skills and knowledge. It supports classroom learning, enrich their skills with higher order thinking and prepare them for competitions..

To stimulate mathematical curiosity.
To inculcate the habit of self-study and independent work among the students.
To extend learning beyond the limits of the classroom.


Literary Hub

It’s for students who love literature and want to share their experience, readings and thoughts with others. Who have the same interest and talent.

To enhance students linguistic and writing skills.
To revise and restore the art of reading with passion.
To nurture the creative thirst and sculpts the raw potential of young ignited minds.


Hobby Hub

Many students desire to cultivate a hobby but hardly take imitative to do the needful. Being a part of the hobby hub might just be that push the students need to overcome inertia and get out of their regular activities and pursue something which fascinates them.

To inspire students pursue a hobby.
To explore their potential in areas like gardening, music etc.
To help students take a break and use their leisure time.


Health and Fitness Hub

The health of children is very important because they are in the formidable age and poor health will impact negatively on growth and development including the child’s ability to learn.

To learn self-care practices.
To provide activities that relieve emotional stress and tension.
To allow one to experience competitive and non-competitive activities as well as team and individual activities.




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