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Welcome to St Agnes School CBSE

St. Agnes School Mangalore started by the Apostolic Carmel sisters in 1965, is a Minority Institution as per the Constitution of India, Article 30 (1). The Apostolic Carmel Congregation was founded by Mother Veronica of the Passion in 1868 and was established on St. Ann’s Campus Mangalore in 1870 with its main thrust being the development of women as persons imbued with deep faith in God and in themselves by providing sound Catholic Education. Over the past hundred and fifty two years of its existence the institute has expanded with a large number of educational institutions in India, Sri Lanka, Middle East and East Africa. In Karnataka under the auspices of the Apostolic Carmel Educational Society (R) it runs Post Graduate Courses, Degree/ P.U. Colleges, D.Ed. Colleges, Vocational Training Centers, Community Colleges, Aided/Unaided schools/High Schools, CBSE Schools, Special Schools, Preparatory Schools and Centers for Distant Education.

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Principal’s Message

Mother Mary Aloysia A.C. the pioneer of A.C. Education once said "Education is incomplete without the formation of Character". Shakespeare once said: I cried when I had no shoes, but I stopped crying when I saw a man without legs. Life is full of blessings, sometimes we don't value it. Yes it's true that intelligence combined with character is the goal of true education and that's why it is said that "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all". … more…

Upcoming Events


Sr Nirmalini A.C.
Superior General
Apostolic Carmel &
President - A.C.E. Society

Sr Shamitha A.C.
Provincial Superior &
Vice President - A.C.E Society 


Sr Dr.Ancilla A.C.
General Councillor For Education
Apostolic Carmel Congregation
Sr Maria Sudeepa A.C.
Educational Secretary
A.C.E Society

Sr Maria Roopa A.C.
Joint Secretary


Sr Maria Sarika A.C.


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